سر صبح یه نخ سیگار تا چشما باز شد ...
روی میز تیکت با پول نقد و پاسپورت
یه کبریت، یه بنزین، یه رویا، یه خونه
یه کوله خاطره که باید جا بمونه...
سر صبح یه نخ سیگار تا چشما باز شد ...
روی میز تیکت با پول نقد و پاسپورت
یه کبریت، یه بنزین، یه رویا، یه خونه
یه کوله خاطره که باید جا بمونه...
یا رب عزت به سگان دادی و نعمت به خران _____________ نکند ما به تماشای جهان آمده ایم؟؟
Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken
معاشرت بر دانایی می افزاید , اما تنهایی مکتب نبوغ است .
جواب تست ها به ترتیب :
b : به جای although باید از while استفاده کنیم تا معنی جمله کامل بشه : برخی مردم غذای چرب دوست دارن ، در حالی که دیگران ازش متنفرن
b : توی این تست since به معنی "چونکه " به کار رفته
a : به همون دلیل تست قبلی
a : ایضا 2 تست قبلی
a : چون بعد از جای خالی ، فعل اومده ، به ساختاری نیاز داریم که آخرش to باشه و با اون فعل match بشه. گزینه ی یک تنها انتخاب ماست
چند عبارت مفید برای سوالای بخش نقش های زبانی یا همون مکالمه :
You've got quiet a collection
عجب کلکسیون کاملی داری
از Quiet وقتی استفاده میکنیم که بخوایم بگیم اون چیز خیلی کامل و بی نقصه
Le'ts put something on
بیا یه چیزی بزاریم ( گوش بدیم )
It gets on my nerves
رو اعصابه - روی اعصابم راه میره
.................................................. ...............
I'm totally into him / it
عاشقشم - خیلی بهش علاقمندم
.................................................. ....................
She may turn out to be a good person
ممکنه ادم خوبی از آب در بیاد
تست ترتیب اجزای جمله
He spoke for such a long time that they thought he would never stop
They thought that he would never stop he spoke for such a long time
For such a long time he would never stop they thought that he spoke
He spoke for such a long time that he would never stop they thought
a. There remained only one question very difficult to answer
b. To answer one question only remained there very difficult
c. Only one question to answer there remained very difficult
d. Very difficult there to answer only one question remained
Those people ask for information and full details they will give
b. Ask those people for information and they will give full details
c. For full information they will ask those people and give details
d. For information ask people those complete details and they will give
He told, however, the teacher that he was ill and could not attend
b. The teacher, however, told he was not ill and he could attend that
c. He, however, the teacher told he was not ill and that could attend
d. However, he told the teacher that he was ill and could not attend
That none of them research has shown, are the same in fact
b. That none of them research, has show in fact are the same
c. Research has shown, in fact are the same that none of them
d. In fact, research has shown that none of them are the same
پنج تست از مبحث ترتیب اجزای جمله
Only once ..... to the opera in the whole time I was in Italy
a. I went
b. did I go
c. H had gone
d. had I gone
سراسری منحصراً زبان 85
.................................................. ...
ابتدای جمله جای خالیه
he plays the piano
a. How well
b. How good
c. What well
d. What good
Little ...... I'd become president of the company
a. I thought
b. did I think
c. I had thought
d. had I thought
سراسری منحصراً زبان 86
.................................................. .........
a. He has been going to school now even for a year but he can't read
b. He has been going to school now for a year but he can even not read
c. He has been going to school for a year now and he even can't read
d. He has been going to school now for a year and he can't read even
سراسری منحصراً زبان 87
a. Television isn't always as effective a medium as people think it is
b. As effective a meduim, television isn't always as people think it is
c. As people think it is, television isn't always as effective a meduim
d. Television isn't always as effective as people think it is a meduim
سراسری زبان 87
چند تا عبارت کاربردی برای بخش مکالمه :
in the nick of time
سر بزنگاه
for old time's sake
بخاطر گذشته ها
all in good time
وقتش که شد
about time too
چقدر هم دیر
3 تست گرامر :
If you'd been driving more slowly, you ........... in time
a. shuld stop
b. could be stopping
c. should be stopping
d. could have stopped
Jill has been trying ......... a job since she left school, but with no success
a. get
b. to get
c. getting
d. gotten
We require that all receipts ........... to the committee for approval
a. submitting
b. be submitted
c. are submitted
d. being submitted
در حال حاضر 1 کاربر در حال مشاهده این موضوع است. (0 کاربر و 1 مهمان)