سلام دوستان
همونطور ک از عنوان تاپیک مشخصه، سوالات Cloze و Reading آزمون سنجش 28 آذر و 30 آبان رو با پاسخنامش میخوام.
اگه یکی لطف کنه و قرار بده،ممنون میشم
سلام دوستان
همونطور ک از عنوان تاپیک مشخصه، سوالات Cloze و Reading آزمون سنجش 28 آذر و 30 آبان رو با پاسخنامش میخوام.
اگه یکی لطف کنه و قرار بده،ممنون میشم
Although a plant can't physically get up and move to a new spot, it is constantly growing and changing its growth patterns to maximize the amount of light it gets. For example a plant turns its leaf blades to face the light as the sun moves across the sky, and then puts all its leaves down at night to save energy and protect itself. Like all plants, The plant has ways to measure different spectrums of light, each giving the plant information about the best way to grow.
What's the best shape of a plant that naturally grows?
There is No Need for God as a Hypothesis
Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace
تو این سایته نگاه کن شاید پیداش کنی رتبه سازان
* * * * * * * اللهم صلی علی محمد و آل محمد و عجل فرجهم * * * * * *
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